lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


In April 2010, the days before the celebration of National Day of Castile, seven comrades accused of illegal possession of weapons and explosives were arrested and furthermore a locality was recorded and sealed afterwards in Burgos, all this in course of a repressive police operation of unexspected magnitude. This operation was undertaken by a new police set-up of the Information Brigade of the NAZI-onal Police and was another attempt to criminalize Castilian youth antifascism, and ultimately everything that does not conform to its established guidelines. According to the "official discourse" this operation was part of preventative measures to ensure safety at the European summit of ministers of state and state secretaries which was to be held from 21st to 23rd April in Burgos. But during those days our comrades didn't even go to stay in Burgos, because as each year they had to attend the scheduled activities in Villalar de los Comuneros, to celebrate the National Day of Castile.
We must say that the officers who conducted the search of the locality, remained 20 minutes alone in the interior, without judicial authority or the relevant lawyer. Meanwhile, a companion was detained illegally in a car, without charge, having been arrested surprisingly behind his back by hooded agents at the moment he was to enter the locality. Curiously enough, later a device consisting of a camping gas cylinder with attached firecrackers appeared.
The basis of the accusation is this device, toy guns, tool handles, and cleaning products obtainable in any drugstore, with those as they say explosives can be build.
The site was sealed by the court and everything that could be found in the inside had been taken, the comrades spent three days in prison, suffering all kinds of insults, threats, blackmail and psychological torture, and finally were released and charged.
Now, two years later they will be tried on charges of terrorism, illegal possession of weapons and explosives and conspiracy in the High Court, demanding penalties for them which amount to a total of nearly 40 years of prison. This time they have gone too far.
We strongly denounce the criminalization and the brutal repression as well as the harassment suffered by the antifascist youth in Burgos in recent years, which is subjected to constant searches, surveillance, assault, false accusations, insults, harassment, arrests and set-ups partly by members of the Nazi-onal police, and especially by members of the Information Brigade and the UPR, in which many are known to have connections to the most radical sector of the extreme right, including some of them who are known by their neo-Nazi past. These individuals act with impunity and absolutely beyond the law, making a political and personal persecution.
We demand absolution for our comrades and active solidarity with them all.
We can not allow these incidents continue to occur. Today it is us, tomorrow it could be you.



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